Within Adopt South West, we are firmly of the belief that you as parents are the experts in your own families and you know and understand your children’s needs far better than any professional could ever hope to. As such, we feel that you are far better placed to receive the correspondence from birth families, read these and make the decision as to whether the letters are appropriate and will support your child’s well-being now or whether you will store them for the future. Adopt South West will therefore be changing the practice of reading correspondence before it is sent on to you as of the 1st April 2025.
Adopted people
The Adoption Barometer 2025 survey is now open
With thousands of respondents every year, Adoption UK’s Adoption Barometer is the UK’s only comprehensive take on the way policy and practice impacts the lives of those who are affected by it.
Adoptee quality of life research project
They are creating a new tool to measure what makes a good quality of life for adoptees aged 16-25, based on what adoptees themselves think is important.
Adoption England Youth Voice and Influence Conference: Learning from adopted young people’s experience
We had the opportunity to explore the work and journeys of several regional and voluntary adoption agencies being led by the voice of the children and young people we seek to serve. The conference was not just for professionals, but young people with experience of being adopted and was led and guided by what they had wanted to focus on.
Invitation to collaborate with local artist, Jyll Bradley, and The Box
Jyll Bradley would like to collaborate with adopted children and families to create a new ambitious survey exhibition Running and Returning. We would like to invite adopted children and families to collaborate with The Box, Plymouth and a brilliant local artist, Jyll Bradley, to create a new artwork in response to her ambitious survey exhibition […]
University of Exeter is seeking volunteers aged 14 to 21 years old
Take part in research to design a support programme to help teenagers to develop problem solving, planning and organising skills! Find out how you can help the University of Exeter’s research on adapting Teen Online Problem Solving (TOPS) intervention for teenagers who have been adopted.
Thriving Adoptees podcasts
Podcasts for adopted people where guests help listeners along their unique healing journey and see their worth.
Voice and Influence Group for adopted young people
We are setting up a Voice and Influence Group for adopted young people in our region and we want your young person to be a part of this.