Within Adopt South West, we are firmly of the belief that you as parents are the experts in your own families and you know and understand your children’s needs far better than any professional could ever hope to. As such, we feel that you are far better placed to receive the correspondence from birth families, read these and make the decision as to whether the letters are appropriate and will support your child’s well-being now or whether you will store them for the future. Adopt South West will therefore be changing the practice of reading correspondence before it is sent on to you as of the 1st April 2025.
Adoption England Youth Voice and Influence Conference: Learning from adopted young people’s experience
We had the opportunity to explore the work and journeys of several regional and voluntary adoption agencies being led by the voice of the children and young people we seek to serve. The conference was not just for professionals, but young people with experience of being adopted and was led and guided by what they had wanted to focus on.
Adopt South West Online Conference: Therapeutic Life Story Work
Join us for our free annual Adopt South West Conference on Monday, 7 October 2024, focusing on Therapeutic Life Story Work for children, young people, and young adults.
The Journey: adoption
For the first time in recent years, there are now more children in need of adoption than those coming forward to adopt. The rewards of giving a child a loving, stable home are unparalleled, even when the journey shows that the path may not always be smooth. The campaign is supported by BBC’s ‘The Traitors’ contestant Miles Asteri, adoptive father of two, who described adoption as ‘the adventure of a lifetime’.
We’ve published our Annual Report (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024)
In 2023-2024, we increased the number of children with adoption plans, the proportion of children placed with our own adopters, and the rate of early permanence placements. We welcomed Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly as a new partner and received national recognition for our work on early permanence and children with disabilities. We continue […]
We welcome Cornwall Council and the Isles of Scilly adoption to our Regional Adoption Agency
Adoption services for Cornwall Council and the Isles of Scilly join the Regional Adoption Agency, Adopt South West, from Monday 1 April 2024.
LGBTQ+ people from ethnically diverse backgrounds called to adopt
Social workers can struggle to find appropriate adoption and fostering placements for looked after children from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Too few approved adopters and foster carers share the same culture and heritage as these children.
Free Eating disorder online workshops for parents and carers
Funded by the NHS, these online courses offer five free sessions to carers/parents supporting undiagnosed and diagnosed eating disorder needs, using the ‘New Maudsley’ approach.