Did you know that Black children wait the longest to be adopted?
Black or mixed heritage children tend to wait longer to be matched with a new adoptive family than their white counterparts.
Research shows that the majority of Black people have positive and altruistic views around adoption, 80% have adopted or would consider it in the future. However, there are a number of specific barriers which can stop Black people from considering adoption, whether that is a misconception about the type of person that can adopt, fear of the process being overly intrusive or a mistrust of authority.
We are part of the #YouCanAdopt Black Adopters campaign that aims to accurately and positively improve perceptions about adoption by breaking down some of these common myths. It has also been designed to support Black and mixed-heritage people, who express an interest in adoption, to feel confident that they are eligible to, and capable of, adopting.
Are there enough Black adopters coming forwards?
It is important that children who are Black and of mixed Black ethnicity are placed with families who can support their identity and their understanding of their culture and heritage.
As there are a disproportionate number of Black children in care, Black and mixed ethnicity adopters, as with all adopters, are always welcomed into the process. The latest national data shows that 180 adopters referred were from Black backgrounds and 6,500 were white. The data also reveals that there are far more Black children in the care system (8%) than there are Black carers and adopters. Only 2.7% of the people approved to be adopters in 2018/19 were Black.
That said, adoption guidance states that adoption agencies/ professionals should not seek to match all aspects of ethnicity and cultural background where this will cause delay to a child achieving a permanent family but should look at what is needed to support the child and family. Despite the guidance, there are still a disproportionate number of Black children, from young children to older children, from single children to sibling groups, in the care system.
The #YouCanAdopt campaign is raising awareness amongst Black communities about the fact that becoming an adopter is easier than many people think, and that most people have the qualities to be a brilliant parent. The campaign raises awareness of the fact that gender, relationship status, ethnicity, age or religion don’t matter, if you can love and care for a child, you can adopt.
Why should I adopt?
There are children all over the South West looking for safe and loving homes. Adoption is incredibly rewarding for both the adoptive parent and the child or children. It can be life changing for children who are so desperately in need of a new and loving home. Over the years, adoption has evolved to become a much simpler and quicker process than it has been previously. There is also far more support available to adoptive parents to help guide them through the journey.
At Adopt South West, we are here for everyone involved in adoption. Adoptive parents need guidance and support as they go through the process of adopting a child. We can provide information, mediation, therapeutic support, counselling and advice whatever your situation.
You can adopt
Considering adopting? There are very few barriers to adopting. If you can open your heart and your home to a child, we want to hear from you. There are safeguarding checks and there is a process but we don’t judge by lifestyles. We will support you all the way through the adoption process and beyond. Make the first step to adoption and please do talk to a member of our friendly Adopt South West team today.