
Adopt South West Online Conference: Therapeutic Life Story Work

Join us for our free annual Adopt South West Conference on Monday, 7 October 2024, focusing on Therapeutic Life Story Work for children, young people, and young adults.

We’ve published our Annual Report (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024)

In 2023-2024, we increased the number of children with adoption plans, the proportion of children placed with our own adopters, and the rate of early permanence placements. We welcomed Cornwall

National adoption drive launches amid rise in number of children needing a forever home

With the cost of living hitting families, experts warn that prospective adopters may be holding back waiting for the ‘perfect time’ or circumstances. But for a child needing a permanent home, the perfect time is now. The campaign is supported by BBC’s ‘The Traitors’ contestant Miles Asteri, adoptive father of two, who described adoption as ‘the adventure of a lifetime’.

University of Exeter is seeking volunteers aged 14 to 21 years old

Take part in research to design a support programme to help teenagers to develop problem solving, planning and organising skills! Find out how you can help the University of Exeter’s research on adapting Teen Online Problem Solving (TOPS) intervention for teenagers who have been adopted.

COVID-19 Inquiry Research: Opportunity to share your experiences of the pandemic

The research team is looking for children and young people aged 9-22 yrs, to take part in a 1-hour interview, either in-person at a local community centre or online, and the participant will receive £60 as a thank you for their time and contribution.

You Can Adopt – Recruitment Campaign – request for life stories

You Can Adopt would love to hear from parents who can speak passionately about their adoption journeys – including the ups and downs, the rewards and the challenges, and ultimately why it’s been so worthwhile.

Could you mentor a new adoptive parent?

Do you feel you can support others? Could you spend an hour a week, a fortnight or a month mentoring a new adoptive parent?
Become part of our Peer Mentoring Scheme…

The Adoption Barometer survey 2024 is now open!

Adoption UK needs your help to build the case for more support. This year there is just one survey, for both adopted people and adopters. Share your views of the past year now!