September is ‘International FASD Awareness Month’: resources, events and training
September is ‘International FASD Awareness Month’. Our local parent-led support group FASD Hub South West share some great resources, events and training.
What support will I receive through the ASGSF?
Until the end of March 2025, the ASGSF will have 2 fair access limits:
£2,500 per child per year for specialist assessment
£5,000 per child per year for therapy
The Journey: adoption
For the first time in recent years, there are now more children in need of adoption than those coming forward to adopt. The rewards of giving a child a loving, stable home are unparalleled, even when the journey shows that the path may not always be smooth. The campaign is supported by BBC’s ‘The Traitors’ contestant Miles Asteri, adoptive father of two, who described adoption as ‘the adventure of a lifetime’.
Survival at school
Starting school can be a daunting time for any child. For children who have been adopted there can be many additional layers of complexity. Here are some resources that our Family Practitioners frequently use with families.
Practical ideas for preparing for transitions
Helpful hints and tips for parents to prepare their children for school transitions.
Managing the summer holidays
Some good advice here about managing the school summer holidays.
Disability Living Allowance: Can you claim for higher level needs?
Thinking about your Disability Living Allowance application renewal or first application – it might understandably inspire feelings of dread! This very helpful free webinar will guide you through, recommended by parents.
Neurodiversity toolkit: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Did you know that around 80% of people with Autism Spectrum Condition have eating difficulties? This is usually to do with sensitivity to the sensory experience of food. However, not every eating difficulty meets the criteria for ARFID; it’s important to know what to look out for.