Social workers can struggle to find appropriate adoption and fostering placements for looked after children from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Too few approved adopters and foster carers share the same culture and heritage as these children.
National adoption news
Change to Adoption Support Funding (ASF)
A new name change for the Adoption and special guardianship support fund (ASGSF). The ASGSF model is based on the existing statutory framework for the assessment of adoption support or SGO support needs and the provision of support services.
The Adoption Barometer survey 2024 is now open!
Adoption UK needs your help to build the case for more support. This year there is just one survey, for both adopted people and adopters. Share your views of the past year now!
Cornwall Council adoption service to join Adopt South West
Cornwall Council’s adoption service, which also covers the Isles of Scilly, is to join the Regional Adoption Agency, Adopt South West, from April 2024.
Quality mark recognises best practice by Adopt South West
We have achieved a prestigious status for our work in finding caring families for children in the region.
Adopt South West’s Annual report for 2022 to 2023
Our Annual Report for 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 has been published. It provides an overview of our services including adoption support, early permanence, improving adoption services, partnership work, recruitment and much more! Find a link on our website at the bottom of the homepage.
National Adoption Week
Celebrating the generations of adopted people, and the people who support them.
Finding adopters for children who wait the longest for a permanent home
Children with a disability wait nine months longer to be adopted from care than children without a disability