Visit from Sarah Jennings from the Department for Education

Sarah Jennings from Department for Education smiling and holding local 11 year old, Lillybelle's book about being adopted, called In My Own Words. On Thursday 2 February, we were honoured to be visited by Sarah Jennings, Deputy Director Adoption, Family Justice and children’s rights, from the Department for Education.

To start her visit, Sarah met local 11 year old, Lillybelle, who has written a book about being adopted, called In My Own Words. Sarah was presented with Lillybelle’s book to celebrate and reflect on the voice of a child in their adoption journey.

Sarah talked with the Adopt South West managers about system and challenges, early permanence and court delays, resources, amongst many other things. She said she was really pleased with all the work that our teams have done in getting it right for children.

We spoke about how we feel really proud of all our adopters and how hard they’ve worked to make it right for the children. We talked about the strength of hearing children and young people’s voices. And ultimately, how we are really proud of the children; they’re all little stars!