The Very Wobbly Christmas, book review by Luke
This book, The Very Wobbly Christmas: A story to help children who feel anxious about Christmas by Sarah Naish, shares the powerful message of therapeutic parenting and a gentle reminder for both parents and children that it’s okay for us all to feel a bit wobbly at Christmas time.
This review is written by Luke aged 13.
“My first Christmas was when I was at my foster carers’ house with my brother. I remember sweets coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve. I was so excited; I couldn’t believe it; Santa was really coming to see me for the first time! But I know about Santa now that I’m older… I always wondered how they did it, do you think they paid someone to dress up and climb up on the roof and throw sweets down?
“I like this book because it describes how I feel at Christmas. I get excited, scared, and over the top sometimes! I always want to eat all my calendar chocolates; it’s so tempting not to eat them… even now I just want them all!
“I absolutely love Christmas and can’t wait to open all my presents. When I was younger, I always thought it was a bit weird that Santa was on the roof and the reindeers were in my garden. Luckily my mum and dad left Santa a key and the presents were left in the conservatory.
“I can remember being in pre-school and doing a Christmas play, I was told to sit still and sing… you know me, I can’t sit still, and I didn’t want to dress up as a sheep in a church. I liked it when my mum brought a bag of toys and stuff for me to do, and I sat with her instead of being with everyone.”