Have you considered Fetal Alcohol?

Do you know if your child’s biological parent drank or took drugs during pregnancy?

For many parents in the FASD group, this resource: ‘Overlapping Behavioral Characteristics and Related Mental Health Diagnoses in Children’ was “the lightbulb going on moment”, where the pieces of the jigsaw finally fitted together, where they could see the direct link to the trauma but where it crosses into other neurodiverse conditions.

FASD is a spectrum, so what one person sees another may not.

More information from FASD South West

If you would like more information on ‘What is FASD?’ the FASD South West group, through their National FASD Alliance membership, have updated their website with the latest FASD research and you can explore what you may or may not see.

If you, a family member, friend or school have questions or would like access to FASD-focused resources for home and school, information of forthcoming events and guest speakers, access to Facebook groups, friendship or discreet 1:1 support… please explore FASD South West: https://www.fasdsouthwest.org or email fasd.southwest@gmail.com

Free FASD course

Introduction to Supporting Children and Young People with FASD course for parents 3 October 2022.

National FASD will be advertising it nationally on the 20th but have kindly invited Adopt South West members to sign up earlier by emailing: outreach@seashelltrust.org.uk

What members of the FASD South West group said

“How we found friendship…”

“My daughter wrapped herself in a green hammock that was swinging gently from two trees, she looked like a big pea in a pod. You could see her stress leave her, she physically looked more rested than I have ever seen her.”

“We just totally felt at home with each other, we have been chatting online and through the FASD South West WhatsApp group for months but nothing matches sitting down with a cup of tea and giving someone a real hug…. overwhelming how much it meant to me.”

“I felt like I had no-one and now I know for sure that I will never be alone, I have made friends for life.”

“My son made me pizza and served it to me, it felt like a gold medal, I cried!”

“This is what self-care looks like, taking time to listen to other parents who get it.”