Join our mailing list

Adopt South West welcomes all of the families who have recently joined us following the closure of our local voluntary adoption agency, Families for Children.

If there are any adoptive families who live in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset or Torbay, who have previously been with Families for Children, or any other agency, then feel free to drop us a message.

There are also many benefits to being on our mailing list. You will receive our regular e-newsletters keeping you updated on events and news relevant to you and your family, and our social workers can give you greater access to education professionals.

Being on our mailing list will also give you the opportunity to be invited to come along to our annual conference, our support groups, events and walks – these have proved to be a great success during the last few years.

We do appreciate how difficult a time this must be, but we hope the transition to Adopt South West has been, or will be as smooth as possible.

We understand that this is a stressful time and acknowledge the upheaval and level of bureaucracy involved, and where it is agreed that there will be a transfer to Adopt South West our aim is that the transfer happens as smoothly as we can. We assure families that we will do everything we can to progress their applications as quickly as possible during this unsettling time.