FASD Awareness Month: Do you feel like you need a magic wand?
FASD Awareness Month: Do you feel like you need a magic wand? Could this help?
What is the ‘Right to Choose’?
When you are referred to a specialist or clinic by a GP you can choose to go anywhere in England for it as long as the provider chosen works within the NHS and fits with your child/young person or adult care needs, the GP will need to be clear it’s clinically appropriate.
This means you can choose providers known for specialist care if they offer the type of service required.
The NHS says:
The NHS Constitution gives people living in England the right to choose where to receive treatment.
You have the right to:
- Choose your GP surgery
- Make choices about your NHS care, and to receive information to support these choices (this includes waiting times)
- Choice of mental healthcare team
- Choice of mental healthcare provider
Having a ‘Right to Choose’ can be helpful for a few reasons.
- You may wish to access treatment closer to work or another location.
- You may wish to access treatment at a neighbouring service provider that has a better track record of treating FASD or shorter waiting times for diagnosing co-morbid conditions (you can ask about waiting times in all areas)
This means you can choose the organisation that provides your NHS care when you’re referred for your first appointment with a consultant.
So, if your GP recommends that you see a specialist, you can choose where to see them.
For information on right to choose, please see this helpful leaflet from the NHS.