Considering adoption? Join one of our information events today:
You can talk to adoption social workers and families who’ve adopted, watch a presentation, find out more about the application process, and get your questions answered.
If you live in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Devon, Plymouth, Somerset or Torbay and are thinking about adopting you can book a place at one of our adoption information events, 5:50pm to 8pm.
Register for an in person adoption event here:
Register for an online adoption event here:
To note: Our online adoption information events are not for people who are related to the child. These are partner (step-parent) information events – more information about partner events can be found below.
Our information events are often in high demand and the availability of dates will be shown on our Eventbrite booking page.
In her mid-40s, Zelda adopted three children after trying to start a family through IVF and attended an information (these were held in person pre-COVID-19).
All our Adopt South West information events are held online, so you get to join from the comfort of your own home!
Partner adoption events
Partner adoption is a way in which you can become the legal parent of your partner’s child or children from previous marriage or relationship. Partner adoption was known as step-parent adoption.
Birth family support
We provide a safe, supportive space for birth parents to meet others with a shared experience of loss, to talk about difficult feelings, and to be supported in moving forward.
For adoptive families, we provide events:
Community events
Throughout the year, our Adopt South West team members join community events (Pride, Respect Festival and more) across the region to meet people considering adoption, engage with families and promote adoption, while supporting the community. We’d love to see you, please come and say hello!
Meet our team at community events and find out more:
(Some events re-occur each month and are displayed by the date of the first session)