The Apricot Centre is pleased to offer a free series of NatureSense and MindFoodFun workshops for looked after, special guardianship and adopted children in the South West.
There are four after school weekly workshops with Apricot Centre practitioners providing rich experiences to support children and to build resilience, have fun, and help with anxieties, which are particularly strong in these times. They are open to children in two age groups seven to 13 (and parents) and 13 to 18.
- NatureSense is on Thursdays from 4:30pm to 6:15pm
- MindFoodFun is on Mondays and Fridays from 4:30pm to 6:15pm
- Check out the course details and group dates with codes
- If your child or young person would like to participate in these fun activities email with the course code you are interested in.
More information on the Apricot Centre website