24/01/2025 – 24/02/2025 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm – A chance to chat to other adopters who get it! It’s open to adoptive parents who don’t usually attend groups. Come along with or without children. There’s a lovely play area inside and outdoor space. The free group to stay and play, brew and chat is run by adopters. Monthly on a Friday. The Friday […]
Therapeutic Parenting: January to March online evening course with Cat Gifford
30/01/2025 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – Register now for our eight-week therapeutic parenting course facilitated by Cat Gifford HCPC Registered Social Worker, held online using Zoom. A session will be dedicated to thinking about how to have life story conversations with your child. Spaces are limited, if the course becomes fully booked you will be added to the waiting list for […]