What have the RIO group been doing?

RIO group sculptures from marshmallows and painted pots

RIO is a youth group in Exeter for young people aged between 13 to 17 years old, who are living with a special guardian or who are adopted. During February, the RIO group reflected on the Children’s Mental Health Week theme of ‘growing together’ and decided to plant seeds. As this was around the time of Valentine’s Day and Friendship Day, the young people decorated their pots to plant their seeds to give to a family member or friend.

In March, for National Science Week, the young people were given a challenge to build a tower or structure using spaghetti pasta and marshmallows. The young people worked in teams to complete this. And most of the marshmallows were eaten along the way!

If your child is interested in attending, please email adoptsouthwestsupport@devon.gov.uk for more information.

Children and young people