Article source: FASD Hub South West
Book now for the November Ask the Expert: Dr Naomi Fisher with Eliza Flicker
- Ask the Expert’ Out of the Box Parenting! Clinical Psychologist and author Dr Naomi Fisher, with Eliza Flicker (£10)
- Tuesday 12 November, 1pm to 2pm
FASD Hub South West welcome back Clinical Psychologist and author Dr Naomi Fisher, along with Eliza Flicker, author, illustrator, and an advocate and consultant for PDA, autism and learning. They are writing a show stopper book ‘When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse’: Parenting for Children (and Adults) Who Need Something Different.
This session is all about ‘out of the box parenting’.
Naomi and Eliza will talk to us about real life stories from parents, anecdotes and strategies to try.
Dr Naomi Fisher says:
“We want parents to know that they are not alone, and that there are others going through this level of challenge too.
We want parents to know that the things which everyone tells you to do….. don’t work for all children – and that doesn’t mean that you’re doing it all wrong!
We want parents to put shame behind them and to stop judging their parenting by their child’s behaviour.
Because the inner battle – the part of you which might think… ‘is this all my fault? Would they be better behaved if I was firmer and more consistent?’
… is what makes parenting a pressure sensitive child so emotionally draining.
It’s what stops you from being able to say ‘You know what? That was extremely difficult for everyone and I did my best’.
It’s what stops you from being able to feel good about your parenting. Even on the best days…”
We want to change this!
We hope that the session will give you an opportunity to ask questions with the hope that this session will empower you in making the choices which you know are best for your child; where you are their best advocate.
Come along and join us in good company where we will hear Naomi chat about her own experiences of doing things differently as a child, as a parent and as a clinical psychologist!
We don’t record our sessions because of confidentiality but we do make very detailed notes and provide free resources that link to the discussion.
Tickets are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Book here
Book through Eventbrite here.
Book early tickets: Ask the Expert: Dr Neil Jackson and Dr Cassie Jackson
- ‘Ask the Expert’ with two leading specialist Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) clinicians!
- Monday 2 December, 8:15pm to 9:15pm
We are delighted for Dr Neil Jackson to join us a rare guest appearance at our ‘Ask the Expert’ meeting to answer any of the more medical questions that you may have about assessment, diagnosis and management of FASD and co-occurring conditions.
We also welcome back our friend Dr Cassie Jackson Clinical Psychologist who promises not to talk over her husband… but no guarantees!
Dr Neil Jackson is a Consultant Community Paediatrician, and also Clinical Psychologist Dr Cassie Jackson’s husband!
Dr Neil Jackson specialises in the diagnosis and management of neurodevelopmental conditions including FASD, ASD and ADHD, and other developmental/genetic disorder presentations.
We will build the questions before the night where we welcome you to email us so we can ask the question for you.
Questions so far:
What genetic presentations might be common when considering FASD?
- What is the difference between stimulant and non-stimulant ADHD medications and what might be most effective for ADHD secondary to FASD?
- My child is constantly unwell, why might this be, how can we support the immune system?
- My child is on constant alert, very anxious and easily triggered why might this be?
- How do you manage constipation from a medical perspective?
- What do I do if my child has been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, what services should be supporting me?
- My child has been diagnosed with scoliosis of the spine what should I do to support this?
- What is a CGH microarray, what is whole genome sequencing, and how to both apply to FASD assessment and diagnosis?
- How does melatonin help with sleep onset problems in FASD? Are there any alternatives if melatonin doesn’t work?
- What are your thoughts on cranial osteopathy for FASD if Retained Primitive Reflexes are identified?
- Why might a child with FASD not find the co-occuring diagnosis of Autism easily, we have just waited several years to get to the appointment where he got doesn’t fit the criteria, has ‘autistic traits’ on our report?
- What are common conditions to look out for in co-occurring conditions with FASD?
- Is it important to find diagnosis, I have been told not to label my child?
Our sessions are not recorded due to confidentiality but we do keep detailed notes.
Book here
Tickets are limited for this event, book HERE
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
FASD Hub South West