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Adoptee quality of life research project

The University of Sheffield’s, Nick R Burke, National Institute of Health Research Doctoral Fellow and Social Worker, is currently undertaking a research project about adoptee quality of life. They are working with a project steering group including two birth parents, two adoptees and an adopter. They are aiming to recruit adoptee participants aged 16-25 across all 33 regional adoption agencies.

The project is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care via the National Institute of Health and Care Research. Ethics approval (via the Health Research Authority) and research governance (via University of Sheffield) are already in place.

The focus groups are in January.

They are creating a new tool to measure what makes a good quality of life for adoptees aged 16-25, based on what adoptees themselves think is important.

If you want to take part in a focus group for adoptees aged 16-25, you can sign up here:

The focus groups will be:
Tuesday 7 Jan 1-2:30pm Sheffield
Tuesday 14 Jan 1-2:30pm Leeds
Thursday 16 Jan online

You can also find out more information about the project on the website here:

We are creating a new tool to measure what makes a good quality of life for adoptees aged 16-25, based on what adoptees themselves think is important. If you want to take part in a mixed focus group for birth family members, adopters and adoptees aged 26+, sign up here:

The focus group will be:
Thursday 9 Jan 1:30-3pm Leeds (or online if participants request this)

You can also find out more information about the project on the website here:

Nick R Burke (they/them)
National Institute of Health Research Doctoral Fellow & Social Worker
Department of Sociological Studies
University of Sheffield

